
We climb trees to find fruit

We gather nuts fallen abundant on the ground

But the climate changes.

The jungle breaks apart into scrubland. The grass are blown by cool winds. The sun shines higher overhead.

No more trees abundant with fruit.

There are the tart bush berries, the hidden tubers underground, and meat from scavenged carcass.

Food spread across wide corridors. Empty space between. So we are forced out into open savannah.

This is how gods are born. Through faith: “If we keep walking, far and long under this white sun, we will be provided for.”

And we were. Those of us that kept walking found our salvation.

We teach the children these lessons: when the land changes, how do you survive? How do you adapt?

We stand on hind legs. We carry sharp stones long distances. We stare at the stares, and if we find pictures we can mark our way.